Breakfast and After School Club
Here at Hollingwood we are very proud of our wonderful Breakfast and After-school Club. We know how difficult it can be to achieve the right work/life/family balance, and we hope our families will benefit from the wraparound care sessions that we are able to offer:
Details of the sessions available are as follows:
Breakfast Club 07:30am to 08:45am - Children can enjoy a variety of breakfast options and sessions are charged at £5.00 per child from 07:30am or £4.00 per child from 07:45am.
Afterschool Club 3:15pm to 5:30pm - Children can enjoy a variety of lite bite options. A variety of activities are available for the whole duration to keep children happy and entertained. Sessions are charged at £4.50 per child until 4.30pm and £6.50 per child until 5.30pm.
Our wraparound care is available to all children from reception age onwards. If your child is of nursery age, and you need wraparound care, we may be able to help. Please contact the school office to discuss this.
Sessions are booked and managed by parents via the Magic Booking system:
Magic Booking link to book Breakfast and After-School Club
Please use the link below to set up your Magic Booking account.
To activate your account, please click on the forgotten password button and input the email address that we have for you, which is linked to your child(ren) at school. If you have any issues, please contact the school office.
For any further information, please contact the school office.